Vespers rising : The 39 clues series, book 11

Vespers rising : The 39 clues series, book 11

Summary: Defend the Clues Fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, thought they could return to their regular lives when they found the 39 Clues that safeguard their family's great power. But they were wrong. Powerful enemies—the Vespers—have been waiting in the shadows. And they'll stop at nothing to grab the Clues. Four powerhouse authors unite to expose the 500-year-old secret struggle between the Cahills and the Vespers. The Vespers are rising . . . and the world is in jeopardy
Lignende bøger:
The 39 Clues - Vespers Rising
Af Rick Riordan, Jude Watson, Gordon Korman, Peter Lerangis
Egendomliga skogen
Af Gunilla Laurin, Eva Söderlind, Helmer Grundström
Prostens barnbarn
Af Eva Bexell
Hans och Greta
Af Bröderna Grimm
Den största pärlan
Af Monica Forsberg
Mors Lilla Olle
Af Alice Tegnér
Den flygande kofferten
Af H.C. Andersen