Einki kundi forða honum í at fara frá konuni og byrja eitt nýtt lív saman við aðrari.
Helt hann.
Helt hann.
Men tað kundi IRA.
Á náttartíð bróta grímuklæddir menn inn í heim hansara, og alt fær aðra og lagnutunga vend …
Tøgnin lýgur, sum fyrstu ferð kom út í 1990, setur átrúnaðarligu og politisku trupulleikarnar í Norðurírlandi í sekstiárunum og frameftir í brennidepilin.
Eitt sakleyst par verður drigið inn í politiska meldurin, sum annars er teimum óviðkomandi.
Hann verðru tvingaður at koyra bil við spreingiløðing til hotellið, har hann er stjóri. Bumban er ætlað protestantum …
Nothing could prevent him from leaving his wife and starting a new life with another woman.
Or so he thought.
Or so he thought.
But he could regret it.
In the night masked men break into his home and everything takes an unexpected and sinister turn.
Lies of Silence was originally published in 1990. It centres around the religious and political troubles in Northern Ireland from the 1960s onwards.
A couple is unwillingly dragged into a fight which in other ways does not concern them. He is forced to drive with a bomb-laden car to the hotel where he is the manager. The bomb is intended for protestants.