Mr. Peebles shares his entrepreneurial success through first person lessons he has learned. Part The Art of the Deal and part Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun, Mr. Peebles weaves business lessons through his own journey from government page to CEO of the largest Black owned Real Estate Development firm. Peebles will share the hard knock lessons he learned along the way and share first person accounts of what it takes to succeed. His message is part motivational, part inspirational and part how to. Key Lessons include: Believe in Yourself and Your Destiny Control of the Deal is more Important than Cash Political Power is the Ultimate Trump Card Don't Be Afraid to Lowball (Make Your Money Going in not out!) Everybody is a Winner connect others needs and make the deal. Getting Your Foot into the door (even if its just a small crack) Don't let Greed Run the Game (Avoid your own ego trip) Find out What the Seller Really Wants Avoid Herd Mentality (find diamonds in the rough) Co-op the Opposition without Revealing your Game