Some refer to Donald Trump as the American success story. While expanding his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment, he made a decision to run and ultimately win the office of President of the United States. Speeches include those made before and after entering politics—announcing his candidacy, on the campaign trail, nomination acceptance, inauguration, and more.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
Campaigning as a Reform Party candidate, 1/7/2000Announcing 2016 candidacy, 6/16/2015Foreign policy campaign speech, 4/27/2016Charlotte campaign speech, 8/18/2016Victory speech, 11/9/2016Inauguration speech, 1/20/2017Addressing a joint session of Congress, 2/28/2017Jobs over climate change, 3/28/2017Cuba executive order, 6/16/2017VA Accountability Act, 6/23/2017Unleashing American energy, 6/29/2017Address to the United Nations, 9/19/2017Reduced healthcare regulations, 10/12/2017Trade deficits, 3/22/2018Tax cuts & jobs, 4/12/2018Travel ban upheld, 6/26/2018Great Falls campaign rally, 7/5/2018Veterans of Foreign Wars, 7/24/2018