Whether you are living paycheck-to-paycheck or just trying to make smarter financial choices, discover the practical steps you need for the financial peace you long for.
In The 21-Day Financial Fast, award-winning writer and The Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary proposes a field-tested financial challenge. For twenty-one days, participants will put away their credit cards and buy only the barest essentials. With Michelle's guidance during this three-week financial fast, you will discover how to:
Break bad spending habitsPlot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash PlanAvoid the temptation of overspending for collegeLearn how to prepare elderly relatives and yourself for future long-term care expensesBe prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens FundStop worrying about money and find the priceless power of financial peace
As you discover practical ways to achieve financial freedom, you'll experience what it truly means to live a life of financial peace and prosperity.
Thousands of individuals have participated in the fast and as a result have gotten out of debt and become better managers of their money and finances . . . and you can too!