The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray | Book Summary | Readtrepreneur
(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book., but an unofficial summary.)
What happened to Europe? Declining birth rates, mass immigration and all these negative things going on. What's really happening? The Strange Death of Europe is told from a first-hand perspective of what is truly happening with extensive research and evidence. In this beautifully written book, Murray frames the moral dilemma facing the west.
(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by readtrepreneur. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)
"To immerse oneself in popular culture for any length of time is to wallow in an almost unbearable shallowness" – Sheryl Sandberg
All those that love Europe will have to come to terms with a prolonged, chaotic and painful departing of what was once the shining light of a civilization that accomplished so much everywhere in the world. Though sad, the brutal truth in this book will definitely be a fulfilling read for history-lovers and those seeking knowledge on what's happening in Europe.
P.S. Get at least a brief view of what is going on in this world with this book right now. Your knowledge is your power and what will happen in Europe in the following years will probably affect you.
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Disclaimer Once Again: This book is meant for a great companionship of the original book or to
simply get the gist of the original book.