"Gathering insights from 20 years of the author’s executive coaching in the United States and abroad, this book presents 21 mindfulness strategies for business leaders, corporate heads, entrepreneurs, and professionals. During the author’s coaching sessions for business and corporate leaders and her trainings at corporations, mid-sized businesses, small businesses, and start-up organizations, she discovered that there is a wide gap between those who achieve success and those who do not. This gap indicates that there is still something significant missing in the business world. Success Is Within fills this gap by encouraging business professionals to" "mind the mind."
" Written in accessible, easy-to-digest language, and targeted towards busy US business professionals who long for thought-leadership to boost their success, the book argues that success depends on changing one’s mindset in key ways. Each chapter focuses on one way to transform one’s mindset to achieve success. The union of these 21 ways provides a uniquely comprehensive program for leadership success in business and corporate careers."