Angry feelings arise when you feel helpless, threatened, deprived, or unfairly treated. You feel angry when you take offense at being hurt or experiencing loss. Anger is a physiological sensation created by the production of adrenaline in the body, and a protective mechanism that prepares your body to fight against attack. Learn how to best resolve helplessness and anger as Dr. Rosalene Glickman, the best selling author of Optimal Thinking, introduces you to the life optimizing thought process that has been hailed by academia and the media as “the successor to positive thinking!” Optimal Thinking is actually the language of your best self. In this powerful audio, Dr. Glickman will teach you: • Optimization signals • How to overcome helplessness • How to best resolve your anger • Your optimal thinking opportunities So be an Optimal Thinker. Resolve your feelings of helplessness and anger, and make the most of your life!