Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Children So They Listen to You
Robert Clark
Do you find yourself in those maddening situations where you sound like a broken record when talking to your child?
This guide will empower parents to forge rewarding, joyful relationships with their children. And it will help their kids grow to be self-reliant, cooperative, and connected to their parents.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn: The importance of communicating with your child Where do parents begin? Acknowledging your child's feelings Important conversations to have with your child Communicating even when it's hard And much, much more!
Af Jude Reid, Michael D. Nye, Gina Easton, Ron Ripley, M.B.Vujacic, Michelle Tang, Clark Boyd, Kris Ashton, Drew Starling, Brian Sperl, Martin Zeigler, Robert Douglas, Matt Brandenburg