Business & økonomi

Business Skills
Af Nathan Sides
Central Banking in Turbulent Times
Af Tuomas Valimaki, Francesco Papadia
Weaving the Web
Af Tim Berners-Lee
Af Dr Bryan E. Robinson
Stay the Course
Af John C. Bogle
In Pursuit of Wealth
Af Yaron Brook, Don Watkins
Business Communication
Af Harvard Business Review
Af Mindy Baker
Af Drew Eric Whitman
Access to Asia
Af Sharon Schweitzer
Managing Millennials For Dummies
Af Lisa X. Walden, Hannah L. Ubl, Debra Arbit
The Lean Leader
Af Robert B. Camp
Six Sigma For Dummies
Af Bruce Williams, Neil DeCarlo
Production Management
Af Introbooks Team
Stock Trading
Af Marcus Baumann