Increase Your Financial IQ: Get the Knowledge and Expert Advice on How to Take Charge of Your Money and Improve Your Financial Knowledge
When you go to the nearest grocery, you need money. When you pay your bills, you need money. When you want to invest, you need money. When you earn your next income, there is your money to pay all of the above. Have time, have money, the ultimate goal for those who are hunting for financial freedom. This is the goal that most self-employers and professionals often miss and take a reluctant detour into the financial trap of trading their souls for money.
This audiobook will guide you to first, be aware of your financial situations, goals, and options. Secondly, this audiobook aimed at helping you go through your four levels of changes in order to achieve your desired financial position, and last but not least, have you set on the right track for taking action.
Here is the preview of what you’ll learn in this audiobook:
Awareness before ChangeChangeGoal Setting and Realization
It is my genuine hope that this general Financial IQ guide will help straighten out your personal finance management. If you want to learn more, download a copy of Increase Your Financial IQ now!