Russell Carver, an enigmatic and tortured man in search of a young girl gone missing, has come to Factory Town, a postindustrial wasteland of abandoned buildings, crumbling asphalt, deadly characters, hidden secrets, and unspeakable depravity. Wandering deeper and deeper into the dangerous, dreamlike, and darkly mysterious labyrinths in town, Russell stumbles upon clues that not only lead him closer to the missing girl, but to his own troubled past as well. Because in Factory Town nothing is what it seems, no one is safe, and there’s no such thing as a clean escape.
From Jon Bassoff, author of Corrosion, comes a dark, gritty, and surreal novel that is at once a compelling mystery and an exploration into the darkest recesses of the human soul. Welcome to the haunting, frightening, and disturbing experience that is Russell Carver’s search for the truth …