Booka Audiobooks presents the audiobook bestseller author Henry Osal ”Cool Happiness”
What is Happiness?
“Everyone aspires to a happy life, but nobody knows what that is”
Many will think, ”what a pointless question”, when reading the title of this introduction. And they will answer that HAPPINESS is exactly that: HAPPINESS.
It’s not so easy to answer this question. If you dig a little, happiness to some will be a time of joy, for others a moment of pleasure, for a few the feeling of infinite peace when they rest...
There are as many types of happiness as the number of people in the world. And that's because happiness is not a mathematical formula, happiness is an intimate experience that allows us to enjoy life and face the future with optimism.
In this short journey that we will go through together in order to be happier, to have a happier life, I only intend to help you discover YOUR HAPPINESS. Yes, yours, because just as YOU ARE UNIQUE, your happiness is unique and only belongs to you; so strange, so wonderful.
Will you join me on this amazing journey to the centre of your happiness?