Constipation Cure: The Essential Guide on How to Treat Constipation, Discover The Available Cure As Well as Home Remedies to Cure Constipation
Constipation can really be painful and uncomfortable that’s why people who suffer from it can have terrible moods. It is virtually impossible to be constipated and keep a sunny disposition. But not only is it painful and embarrassing but can be quite frightening as well if it persists. Constipation is the number one gastrointestinal complaint, accounting for 2.5 million doctor visits a year. At some time or another, most people will experience constipation, but certain people have a higher tendency.
This audiobook will teach you all about constipation and the cures available to treat it. You will learn the different medications available as well as the natural ways you can combat constipation. You will also learn tips on how to avoid constipation from happening again.
This audiobook will cover the following topics:
The constipation action plan
What is constipation
The causes of it
Symptoms you should know about
Alternatives to drugs
Eating properly to combat constipation
And many more!
By knowing the causes of constipation you can take steps to avoid the uncomfortable, bloated, aches of constipation.