Another Case of Milton Jones, Series 5, Episode 6: Undercover Journalist (Live)
Milton Jones, James Cary
The man they call 'Britain's Funniest Milton' stars in his smash-hit Sony Award-winning show ”Another Case Of Milton Jones” co-starring Tom Goodman-Hill ('Humans'), Margaret Cabourn-Smith ('Miranda') & Dave Lamb (the voice of 'Come Dine With Me')
In each episode, Milton is a complete and utter expert at something - Astronomer, Diplomat, Undercover Journalist, Celebrity Gardener (!), Royal Speech Therapist or Lorry Driver - and in each episode, with absolutely no ability or competence, he plunges into a furiously funny and fast-paced adventure with utterly hilarious results.
In this episode, Milton Jones becomes Britain's best-known undercover journalist. Which means that Milton Jones also becomes Britain's most least-effective undercover journalist...So follow your leads, back your hunches and get ready to uncover the incredible scoop that is - Another Case of Milton Jones!